
沿革 規約 展覧会ポリシー



1. 我々は一切の政治的工作を否定し、純粋芸術の責任ある行動に於て新芸術の確立を期す。
1. 我々は従って「反アカデミック」の芸術精神に於て官展に関与せず。
1. 我々は独自の芸術行動の自覚に於て、我々の背馳すると認めたる一切の美術展覧会に関与せず。
1. 我々は常に新しき時代の芸術家の結合を与望し、年一回以上の公募美術展覧会を最も厳格なる芸術的態度に於て開催し、以て我々の芸術行動の確立を期す。
1. 我々は以上の芸術的主張に於て新制作協会を盟約す。


Rules of Shinseisaku Art Society(1936)

1. We shall positively refuse to be involved in any political activity. Our only aim is to establish a new world of art based on pure artistic desire.
1. We shall never participate in any official exhibition in order to hold on to anti-academic positions.
1. We shall never participate in any art exhibition whose philosophy on art is different from ours so as to preserve our originality.
1. Aspiring to the unification of promising young artists, we shall hold art exhibition more than once a year. All the works of public exhibition shall be selected according to the strict artistic minds. With this we are resolved to engage in our own artistic activities.
1. Here we agree on founding a new art society called Shinseisaku upon the above-mentioned principles of art.






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